
Share the Gospel

God calls us all in different ways. Whether you donate to our mission, join a trip, or subscribe to our newsletter, you are an important part in supporting the Church of Cuba as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Story

The call of God is how Atulado Ministries was born. After being invited to join a mission trip, founder, Wayne Snyder, was prompted by God to visit ministries in countries his church was investing. In Ethiopia, he saw impoverished local churches flourishing in the presence of God, he was exposed to construction projects, and he learned about sports ministry in the Christian church. In China, he saw how the church movement was being used by God to reach an oppressed people. In Costa Rica, he saw the impact of thoughtful and organized training can have on a pastor and the leadership team of a church. On his first trip to Cuba, he saw the same impact training makes in the life of someone in full-time ministry.

Wayne served on a global outreach team reviewing ministry projects, funding activity, and developing ways to share how bringing resources to these nations also provides Christian renewal to the people who serve.

“That’s when God pushed me through a door to launch Atulado Ministries.”
– Wayne Snyder

The Story Behind Our Name

When it came time to name the ministry, Wayne felt By Your Side Ministries represented our purpose. We never wanted to lead something new. Instead, we wanted to find where God is already doing work through his people and help them focus more on their calling by removing obstacles or adding something they need – that way, when their mission advances, so does ours.

As part of the ministry, Wayne envisioned a website and social media presence as essential tools to connect supporters to the ministry’s story and progress. A quick search showed the website name taken. Also, someone owned the BYS Ministries’ website name. However, translating By Your Side to Spanish is A tu lado. Uniting the words and a quick website search resulted in what will forever be known as our name.

Months later, Wayne received notification of expiring website names he purchased before pursuing the ministry’s name. Wayne discovered By Your Side Ministries and BYS Ministries on his list! He owned both website names all along and bought them two years before his vision for the ministry took shape. For Wayne, this was God’s way of putting his fingerprint on the ministry from the very beginning.

Ready to join our mission? Get started today!

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